The six traditional Hindu systems of philosophy
included the concepts of “Neti” and “Eti”
among their rich reservoir of beneficial insights.
Let us recall that our Revered Leaders
have also Frequently Referred to
various other sages and saints.
Neti means No.
This method advocates
a constant & ceaseless rejection
of life as constituting reality.
Eti signifies Yes.
It stresses affirmation
of the whole of universe
as part of God’s creation.
Both the ways were variously
routes to God.
The Neti mode rejected everything
& accepted only God’s essence.
The Eti path accepted everything
as inevitably leading to God.
Which of these would illustrate
your mode of living life?
Are you careless or choosy?
Are you reckless or cautious?
I reserve my Yes’es for the extremely elite,
I habitually live by outright No’es to life.
It renders my living simpler
& my engagements
more productive, fruitful & rewarding.
However, on the flip side,
experiences of diversity & variety
add to one’s wisdom & maturity,
polish one’s powers of discrimination,
enable quicker & better judgements,
making one more confident towards newer developments
& adequate in tackling situations.
Living is the lesser aspect of life,
the greater dimension pertains to the hereafter.
The Paath {or hymn} lines exhort us:
“Kaatthe aur phoonkthe rastha chalo /
Marthe dham thak eqdam gafil na ho.”
That is,
“Tread the path with grave caution,
Be not careless until your very dying moment.”
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