The self hides the Self,
and the Self is God.
Seek your self, beyond your ego.
Know and understand yourself.
Only then can you be,
remain and live
true to yourself.
This doesn’t necessarily
mean becoming “selfish”.
I have usually found myself to be
at odds with the milieu.
I was either a round peg
in a square hole,
or a square peg
in a round hole.
Mere friction, disharmony and strife;
never to my liking,
to no purpose whatsoever.
I remained myself.
I survived people and life.
That was victory.
The beautiful lady is resented and hated
by all the other less pretty ones,
for no fault of hers.
Despite the malice and baseness
that one encounters in life,
one must continue with one’s
goodness, faith, devotion and service.
It is pointless to yield
to those who are incorrigibly
wrong, perverse, sinful and hostile.
Be clear and remain strong.
After all, the endless Source
of all Wisdom and Strength
remains our Guide and Redeemer.
Life is quite a silly nightmare
that shall end once the surat or soul
finally reaches Radhasoami Dham.
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