Life: Brief Four Days’ Sojourn. {59.}
There are several Paath or hymn lines
that contain references to life
as comprising merely four days.
“Chaar dinan ke sangi yeh”
while denoting that one’s attachments
last for but four days,
implying thereby that one’s bond
only with Radhasoami Dayal
continues across many lifetimes.
What is one to
construe from all this?
Firstly, it is very true
that time fleets past swiftly.
One rushes through the teens,
enters middle age
and, slightly later, old age,
even before one seems to realize
the rapid progression of years.
So, not wasting one’s time
must logically be duly high
among everyone's priorities.
Secondly, all one’s activities
and one’s entire living,
ought to be reviewed
from the spiritual perspective.
Thus, a course of action is desirable
if it gets one closer to Maalik.
Since the world offers umpteen
temptations, diversions, entanglements,
Satsangis ought to constantly check
and redirect their living
closer to the ideal
stressed in the Radhasoami religion.
This is important because
there is limited time available
for working one’s salvation out;
merely four days in a lifetime,
and four lifetimes at the maximum,
or a total of 16 days.
Since the time normally utilized
out of one’s four days
for active pursuit of spirituality
is rather limited,
the effective time that one has
for one’s spiritual progress
stands the more reduced.
Can’t afford to delay anything!
Thirdly, no time like now,
for redemption just as well.
Why need one irresponsibly postpone
preparation for this vital journey
to an indefinite future date?
“Kaal kare so aaj kar ...”
That is,
“Do today what need tomorrow …”
Hence, one ought to seek redemption
during {or at the close of}
the current four-day lifetime itself.
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