The Radhasoami religion is based in Dayalbagh, near Agra. Continuing in the glorious tradition of the Sant Math or the Religion of Saints, the Faith stresses devotion to and service of the Guru {the Incarnation of the Supreme Lord} as the way to salvation. Several tenets of the religion share their roots with Hinduism, such as a belief in transmigration of the soul, references to Yamaraja or the Lord of Death, and the like.
It is a formidable task to attempt to briefly encapsulate the religion’s understanding of creation, but let me do so. The religion believes creation to have occurred as incidental fallout of a certain subtle spiritual disequilibrium that evoked divine Will to create. The Big Bang was pre-essentially a spiritual-divine phenomenon, and only later transpired in the material dimension.
There are numerous world-systems in existence of the sort that we inhabit. When one of these gets coincidentally place with the higher divine realm called Satloka, then the inhabitants of that world-system are led towards salvation before the world-system gets destroyed altogether. However, the dissolution of a particular world-system -- through Pralay or MahaPralay -- does not bring the entire creation to a naught, but it only ends a minuscule part of it, {which is what this vast universe and its galaxies form of the overall creation}.
It would perhaps not be very erroneous to conclude that the Radhasoami religion is less interested in explaining creation, is more concerned about the dissolution of the universe, and is devoted to the service of universal salvation of all living beings.
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