Today is a fortunate day in the history of the Radhasoami Satsang of Dayalbagh.
May 18, 2009 marks the sixth anniversary of the Acclamation of
Gracious Huzur “Prem” Saran Satsangi as the eighth Revered Leader of Dayalbagh, & of His Ascension to the divine Gaddi or Throne.
The progress that Satsang has made in these last six years cannot possibly be listed in a brief note of rejoicing as this.
You can yourself recall what Grace Maalik must have Showered upon you since having become the Sant Sarguru.
That should give one an idea of how Maalik has Been, through tireless & unflagging Personal Efforts, Caring for the entire Sangath.
Today is verily a day to celebrate.
It is also a day to express our deep gratitude to His Holiness for His boundless Grace.
& finally, today is also an ideal day to resolve to become better Satsangis than before, more devoted in the performance of Satsang, Seva & Abhyaas than we might yet be.
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