When God Compassionately Incarnates on earth, obviously He shall have only one sacred human Form.
When God decides that, for the sake of the uninterrupted & speedy progress of His most glorious Mission of universal salvation, He would Continue His Role through an intergenerational lineage of Param Gurus, even under such circumstances, obviously the Incarnated Divine Current can exist only in one blessed Form at the same time.
It has been the bane of almost every major religion down the ages to have been divided into sects; Hinayana & Mahayana Buddhism, Catholicism & Protestantism, Sunni & Shia Muslims, & others. The son of Guru Nanak Dev had set himself up as the next Guru after the quitting of mortal frame by his exalted father. Indeed, there are reported to be not merely a few, or even hundreds, but thousands and millions of splinter groups of several major religions. In such a bewildering scenario, a genuine seeker of God can well be expected to get thoroughly confused, and all but throw up her hands in perplexity, and in despair, give up seeking God altogether!
Unfortunately, the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh has also seen a few misguided, damned, sinful & punishable rival offshoots sprouting up. A few of these have already withered up & the others are headed that way.
Dayalbagh is the reservoir of love and Grace for all humanity and living beings. It is a pity that matters take courses that could neither have been ordained by the Supreme Lord, nor can possibly lead to people’s welfare. Dayalbagh has little need to rival any offshoot in attracting souls for salvation, and none at all to battle any part of God’s creation. Dayalbagh is in a class of its own and way beyond the petty and dirty shenanigans that any other religion or offshoot might need to resort to.
Indeed, let a thousand flowers {and cacti and weeds} bloom at the same time. Let those who choose to be misguided, follow the paths to their own virtual doom. And let the divine fragrance of the sacred Tree beckon all deserving souls into its redemptive shade!
Is it not obvious that a divine Incarnation can have only one human Form at any particular time? The one Param Guru of Dayalbagh is the true Grand Master of Radhasoami religion. It is Radhasoami Dayal’s incontrovertible Decree that only those devotees who seek Him through His Chosen Agency of the Param Guru of Dayalbagh can be permitted access to Him, & subsequently redemption.
All the other offshoots & their followers have made a grievous & suicidal error, committed the grave sin of rejecting Radhasoami Dayal’s Sent Avatar Swaroop or Incarnated Form, permanently injured their own chances & hopes of salvation, & earned divine punishment as their desserts.
Dayalbagh is today the exclusive repository of the most glorious Nij Dhar or the Incarnated Divine Current. No other religion or fake offshoot of even the Radhasoami religion can deliver. The Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh does not require others’ belief per se, because it has Truth & Grace & Law & destiny on its side. However, any human soul really wishing her or his welfare & salvation will have to choose rightly.
No miracle will normally be performed as proof of the exclusive Divinity Functioning in Dayalbagh. You are to believe in the Param Guru of Dayalbagh. You are to want & need to believe in the Param Guru of Dayalbagh. This is the first crucial test that everyone has to pass.
That said, what might constitute a ‘miracle’ for a human, with her limited sense organs of perception, and restricted powers of comprehension, may be perfectly natural in the cosmic play of life. Miracles may perhaps be toffee to God!
Every divine Incarnation and Prophet has invariably been associated with miracles. I am not asserting that all such miracles were real, nor am I refuting the possibility of the occurrence of miracles altogether. My simple contention is that the divine is itself miraculous. It’s no big deal – to put it colloquially -- if miracles attend messiahs; indeed, it would be surprising if they did not. Hence, if sincere devotees expect miracles in their right faith, Grace can certainly cause miracles to occur!
It would perhaps be wonderful if God appeared on earth, claiming to be God, and humanity could say, “Prove yourself, Messiah!” If God were to cock a finger up at the sun and whisper, “Fade away, My created sun!”, causing instant solar eclipse, almost overnight humanity might be enabled belief, desire for redemption, and following of the new religion. However, that is not how things work out.
Yet, a cursory reflection on history ought to convince any objective person about the reality of the divine dimension to existence, the recurring descents from the heavens for humanity’s welfare, and the beneficial impact of such forces in the world. It is humbling to realize that we are today in the midst of just such an awesome and historical process, with the potential of incalculable welfare for all believing humans on earth.
So, it is vital that one conducts oneself with grave responsibility & caution, & choose rightly in one’s own self-interest, & for the sake of one’s own redemption. The point is not a juvenile quarrelling among one another over whose god is greater, or whose beliefs are right, but of earnestly seeking the truth, receiving it, and acting upon it rightly. Hasn’t humanity had enough of hatred and terrorism over religious matters by now?
When God Compassionately Incarnates on earth, obviously He shall have only one sacred human Form.
When God decides that, for the sake of the uninterrupted & speedy progress of His most glorious Mission of universal salvation, He would Continue His Role through an intergenerational lineage of Param Gurus, even under such circumstances, obviously the Incarnated Divine Current can exist only in one blessed Form at the same time.
It has been the bane of almost every major religion down the ages to have been divided into sects; Hinayana & Mahayana Buddhism, Catholicism & Protestantism, Sunni & Shia Muslims, & others. The son of Guru Nanak Dev had set himself up as the next Guru after the quitting of mortal frame by his exalted father. Indeed, there are reported to be not merely a few, or even hundreds, but thousands and millions of splinter groups of several major religions. In such a bewildering scenario, a genuine seeker of God can well be expected to get thoroughly confused, and all but throw up her hands in perplexity, and in despair, give up seeking God altogether!
Unfortunately, the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh has also seen a few misguided, damned, sinful & punishable rival offshoots sprouting up. A few of these have already withered up & the others are headed that way.
Dayalbagh is the reservoir of love and Grace for all humanity and living beings. It is a pity that matters take courses that could neither have been ordained by the Supreme Lord, nor can possibly lead to people’s welfare. Dayalbagh has little need to rival any offshoot in attracting souls for salvation, and none at all to battle any part of God’s creation. Dayalbagh is in a class of its own and way beyond the petty and dirty shenanigans that any other religion or offshoot might need to resort to.
Indeed, let a thousand flowers {and cacti and weeds} bloom at the same time. Let those who choose to be misguided, follow the paths to their own virtual doom. And let the divine fragrance of the sacred Tree beckon all deserving souls into its redemptive shade!
Is it not obvious that a divine Incarnation can have only one human Form at any particular time? The one Param Guru of Dayalbagh is the true Grand Master of Radhasoami religion. It is Radhasoami Dayal’s incontrovertible Decree that only those devotees who seek Him through His Chosen Agency of the Param Guru of Dayalbagh can be permitted access to Him, & subsequently redemption.
All the other offshoots & their followers have made a grievous & suicidal error, committed the grave sin of rejecting Radhasoami Dayal’s Sent Avatar Swaroop or Incarnated Form, permanently injured their own chances & hopes of salvation, & earned divine punishment as their desserts.
Dayalbagh is today the exclusive repository of the most glorious Nij Dhar or the Incarnated Divine Current. No other religion or fake offshoot of even the Radhasoami religion can deliver. The Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh does not require others’ belief per se, because it has Truth & Grace & Law & destiny on its side. However, any human soul really wishing her or his welfare & salvation will have to choose rightly.
No miracle will normally be performed as proof of the exclusive Divinity Functioning in Dayalbagh. You are to believe in the Param Guru of Dayalbagh. You are to want & need to believe in the Param Guru of Dayalbagh. This is the first crucial test that everyone has to pass.
That said, what might constitute a ‘miracle’ for a human, with her limited sense organs of perception, and restricted powers of comprehension, may be perfectly natural in the cosmic play of life. Miracles may perhaps be toffee to God!
Every divine Incarnation and Prophet has invariably been associated with miracles. I am not asserting that all such miracles were real, nor am I refuting the possibility of the occurrence of miracles altogether. My simple contention is that the divine is itself miraculous. It’s no big deal – to put it colloquially -- if miracles attend messiahs; indeed, it would be surprising if they did not. Hence, if sincere devotees expect miracles in their right faith, Grace can certainly cause miracles to occur!
It would perhaps be wonderful if God appeared on earth, claiming to be God, and humanity could say, “Prove yourself, Messiah!” If God were to cock a finger up at the sun and whisper, “Fade away, My created sun!”, causing instant solar eclipse, almost overnight humanity might be enabled belief, desire for redemption, and following of the new religion. However, that is not how things work out.
Yet, a cursory reflection on history ought to convince any objective person about the reality of the divine dimension to existence, the recurring descents from the heavens for humanity’s welfare, and the beneficial impact of such forces in the world. It is humbling to realize that we are today in the midst of just such an awesome and historical process, with the potential of incalculable welfare for all believing humans on earth.
So, it is vital that one conducts oneself with grave responsibility & caution, & choose rightly in one’s own self-interest, & for the sake of one’s own redemption. The point is not a juvenile quarrelling among one another over whose god is greater, or whose beliefs are right, but of earnestly seeking the truth, receiving it, and acting upon it rightly. Hasn’t humanity had enough of hatred and terrorism over religious matters by now?
Let’s remember that the fundamental values involved are God, love, Grace, peace and redemption. Life doesn’t offer a “retake”! Remember that the Supreme Godhead Radhasoami Dayal Is every moment Aware of every living being’s every thought & deed, & it shall all finally count in how your destiny unfolds.
I may conclude this with the following apt and reassuring lines from Goethe's Faust:
“For he who is unceasing in his striving
Is ours for his redeeming.”
I may conclude this with the following apt and reassuring lines from Goethe's Faust:
“For he who is unceasing in his striving
Is ours for his redeeming.”
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