The trait of humility has been stressed
ad infinitum in our religion.
What does humility really mean?
Why is humility so important?
Humility cannot mean pretending
to have no ego at all.
We all have our egos
& it serves various purposes.
Indeed, civilized life
would be virtually impossible
were ego to vanish altogether
from human society & life.
Imagine every person walking off
with another’s goods just because
nobody had any “ego” left.
Jungle law would prevail thereby,
leading to chaos, strife, misery.
Obviously, this cannot be meant by ego,
so, what is actually meant by it?
The ego is the gravest threat
to the soul’s quest for God & salvation.
It intrudes in one’s spiritual practices
& prevents a quicker & closer Darshan,
or beholding of the Divine Countenance.
The ego causes the human to succumb to the
other four “dooth” or demons of
kaam, krodha, lobha & moha,
or lust, anger, greed & attachment.
These five together combine to keep the soul
enmeshed in sensual & worldly quicksand
for years & decades & lifetimes & eons.
So, victory over these can occur only if
you first destroy their leader, or ego.
The ego gets destroyed by true humility.
True humility is realizing
one’s innate human imperfections & limitations.
This causes a dependence upon one’s Guru,
which in turn evokes His Grace.
When the ego is annihilated,
you become quite free from
the other four named baser tendencies.
You are then secure
& headed fast towards your salvation.
Therefore, one’s ego is one’s greatest enemy,
& cultivating true humility benefits
only one’s own self incalculably.
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