Thursday, April 8, 2010

Deplorable Effects of Religious Divisions. {22.}


To begin with making a banal observation, there are several major religions in the world.

In addition, there are thousands of minor religions as well as millions of sects & branches of the existing religions.

Everyone remains free to believe in the god of her or his choice.

So far, so good.

However, I fail to fathom how religious diversity gradually gets converted into hatred among the followers of diverse religions.

I can never understand how apparent devotion to one’s religion can possibly take the form of violence against the believers of other religions.

Religious plurality is a fact of life, but it need not lead to dividing humanity against itself & in such deplorable manifestations & consequences as terrorism & wars.

You would agree with the essence -- if not all -- of this, wouldn’t you?

What might emerge as the only possible solution to this virtual collective failure of all the world’s existing religions?

The true goal of education and civilization ought to be a spiritually evolved human individual, with an enhanced consciousness, a nobler perspective, and a greater ability to love.

Can this reformed and ideal human be brought about by the present setup?

Not really, since the inadequacies of the status quo cannot be wished away, & they can only perpetuate & compound themselves ad nauseum.

So, only an entirely new religion altogether can inspire a better – more spiritually evolved -- human, and do it meaningfully, effectively, & on a global scale.


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