Satsangis have been enjoined to aim for & remain satisfied with merely a moderate degree of worldly success. Why is this so? What does the above injunction really mean, in practical terms?
There is, of course, no end to human desires. As the Buddha had very rightly described as his first Great Truth, desires are at the root of all human suffering. Hence, being extremely selective in one’s desires makes eminent sense, both practical and spiritual.
Moreover, globalization & consumerism subject the lay person to a virtual barrage of material products that are desirable and apparently necessary for one’s living. Under such circumstances, it is rather tempting for one to succumb to the craze for more & more material possessions.
This would naturally entail a greater focus on & efforts expended in amassing wealth. Not for nothing had the holy Bible also asserted that “The love of money is the root of all evil.”
So, if Satsangis were to recklessly seek money by hook or by crook, & determinedly rival others in the possession of worldly success & material possessions, then they would forget their real goal in life: that of ensuring their salvation.
Life in human form is precious, not because of the consumerist goods that we can buy while alive, but because it offers one the chance to mystically secure one's eternal seat in the loftiest paradise of Radhasoami Dham.
However, Satsangis are also mandated to live by one’s honest efforts, & not to have any loans pending against others. Thus, financial independence & integrity are central to the Satsangi lifestyle.
Further, various studies conducted around the world suggest that if a person’s material needs have been well taken care of, the person becomes naturally drawn towards religion & spirituality.
It is also an obvious truism that even the performance of one’s devotions & services by an individual requires money.
Besides, the spread and establishment of a new religion in the whole world will naturally entail finances of a mind-boggling order.
Hence, Satsangis should responsibly draw the line rightly on how to earn enough money for a comfortable & dignified living that enables one an adequate performance of their religious duties & aspirations, while taking care not to get caught up in the senseless vortex of naked pursuit of wealth or the acquisition of material possessions.
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