God is love personified.
The Guru is God personified.
So, the Guru is love personified.
Perfectly logical & very true!
The Sant Math represents the way
of ‘Ishk-e-haqueeki’ or ‘love for the Real’
as opposed to love for ‘Maya’
or illusory reality.
Satsangis are, therefore, expected to
perceive, value & seek beyond
the merely unreal, false, superficial,
apparent or temporary,
in their lives.
Satsangis’ love ideally ought to be
only for the Supreme Lord Radhasoami.
However, if God has Personally
Chosen to Incarnate
as the Param Guru,
then we are to believe in
a perfect unity
between God & the Guru.
Hence, love for God
will naturally manifest itself as
love for the Guru.
Likewise, God’s love for the devotee
reflects in the Guru’s love
for her or him.
The Guru functions as the vital
link for the devotees with God.
The human actually does not
even have access to God,
& can reach God
only through the Guru.
Hence, the paramount importance
of the Param Guru
in the Sant Math
or the mystical Peer-Murid tradition.
Loving one’s Guru is proving
one’s love for God,
& the Guru’s love evoked
thereby enables & causes God’s love.
Loving the abstract principle
or force of Divinity
may be more difficult for most,
though love for the Guru
comes about naturally & easily.
However, as per Guru Bachan,
loving the abstraction of God
is in no way a lesser devotion
or a less effective mode to salvation.
Indeed, for certain exceptional souls,
love for the abstract God
rather than the Personal Form
of the Living Param Guru
may in certain ways prove more desirable.
After all, an abstraction is
elusive, complex, infinite & eternal,
while the Guru appears manifest
in the mortal human frame.
So, basically, what matters is
genuine love for God
or the Param Guru
as leads to one’s salvation.
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