What should a person seeking initiation into the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh practically do? Of course, this presupposes that the person has realized that s/he believes Radhasoami Dayal to be the Supreme Being, & believes in His Living Incarnation as the Param Guru of Dayalbagh, & also believes in the key tenets of the Radhasoami Faith of Dayalbagh. Secondly, this assumes that the seeker is both a vegetarian & a teetotaler, or is ready to turn so.
Such a genuine seeker should simply try to find out where Satsang is regularly conducted in a nearby colony / town / city under the aegis of a Satsang Branch duly affiliated to the Radhasoami Satsang Sabha of Dayalbagh. It may be added that at present Satsang is being regularly conducted in most towns / cities in India, & in various countries abroad, ranging from neighboring Nepal to the US. Having found the above out, one should go there & convey to the Branch Secretary one’s desire to register as a Seeker at the Branch, & be guided by her or his instructions.
I may add that registered Seekers are to attend Satsang regularly for over a year, besides reading three prescribed preliminary scriptures, after which formal proceedings are begun at the Branch for their getting initiation into this mystical and redemptive religion from the central headquarters of Dayalbagh.
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