One ought to always live
true to one’s own self.
That’s easier said,
but difficult to quite understand,
& even harder to practice.
For starters, does everyone really
possess a concrete “self” worth the name,
other than the human ego?
I wonder, indeed, I doubt,
for I am quite sure,
the true “self”
is too lofty a term
for the base ego
& cluster of impulses & motives
that people normally represent.
So, it can still be concluded
that knowing about and understanding oneself
can perhaps enable one to even
really “be” one’s self.
It appears being & becoming
are rather intricate parallel processes.
What “living true to oneself” stresses
is one’s innate integrity.
If something doesn’t gel with one’s
fundamental values, tendencies,
aspirations, goals, purposes,
then one should avoid it,
or fight it, if required.
For the self is sacrosanct
& alien & hostile invasions
seek to corrupt or pervert
one’s core faith & beliefs.
Let the faith remain absolute
it is one’s only means to God.
The confused & indecisive fritter
all their abilities & opportunities
getting more distanced with time
from both themselves & God.
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