Several Guru Bachans have repeatedly
exhorted Satsangis to continue performing Seva,
with one's “tan, man, dhan & surat,”
or the whole of one’s body, mind, purse and soul.
The emphasis on Seva is understandable.
The many might idly praise an ideal,
but the few actually strive to realize it.
An ounce of practice remains far better
than tons of precept.
Let us, therefore, not be idle,
afraid, lazy, indifferent or lax,
in the performance of Seva.
Umpteen fortunate opportunities for Seva exist,
in Dayalbagh {both fields & otherwise},
our respective Satsang Branches,
among other Satsangi acquaintances,
or even one’s Satsangi
relatives or family members.
Anything done for a Satsangi is Seva
if it is done with the right motive
& in the right spirit,
because Radhasoami Dayal Wants that
Satsangis should care for one another.
We have to care to think,
to look around us,
and to actively seek more
avenues & chances of Seva.
It is true,
“Seva hee mewa hai,” or
“Service is its own reward.”
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