Sacred Bhandara: Recalling Guru Bachans {40.}
Prayer to Our August Founder.
“Besides this, a prayer has to be essentially offered in the Holy Feet of {Our August Founder, Param Purusha Puran Dhani Param Guru Huzur} Soamiji Maharaj. The prayer is: ‘You may mercifully let us know if the activity which is being carried on here is wrong or there is some shortcoming in it, and bestow enlightenment on all of us, and give instructions and hints so that we may give up the wrong path and follow the correct one, and commence our activity accordingly. You may mercifully condescend to remain permanently amongst us. Not one but several thrones and chairs can be offered at Your Holy Feet. But You must mercifully always remain present amongst us. We need guidance every moment. Presently, this prayer is offered in Your Holy Feet.’”
---- Param Guru Huzur Mehta Ji Maharaj; Selected Bachans of Param Guru Huzur Mehtaji Maharaj, Bachan No. 53, Page 81.
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