The Radhasoami religion has been founded by the only Living Incarnation of the Supreme Godhead, Radhasoami Dayal. Not Content with merely having Incarnated {so to say} in the world out of Parental Compassion for such undeserving beings as all of us & the whole of humanity & living kingdom, the Incarnated Divine Current has Been Continuing Its most glorious Mission of universal salvation through the agency of a continuing lineage of Param Gurus since August 24, 1818.
In a unique benediction, the Incarnated Divine Current has Declared & Reassured all living beings that It shall not return to its original Abode until It has Redeemed all jeevas or living beings in this world-system, prior to the impending MahaPralay at the end of the present decadent age of Kaliyuga.
The above tenets constitute the core of the weltanschauung or worldview of the Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh.
The concept of heaven being a hierarchical structure may be found in various religions of the world, particularly Buddhism. The Radhasoami religion affirms the truth of this divine spiral, & clearly states the name, precise location & other description of each divine realm.
The Radhasoami religion of Dayalbagh also names the different regions from where the various other divine incarnations & prophets of the world’s other major religions {Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism & Sikhism} had respectively descended from. This also indicates the severe limits of the spiritual benefit that they can possibly confer on their followers, because of their own relatively inferior origin, status & scope.
The intermediary heavens are to be traversed by the individual “surat’ or soul, {with the Permission, Grace & Help of the Param Guru of Dayalbagh}, to finally access & reach the Ultimate Abode of Radhasoami Dham, the loftiest paradise in existence. It is only such an internal ascent by the soul that may be regarded as constituting true & final redemption.
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