Radhasoami Dayal Ki Daya
Radhasoami Sahai
May Compassionate Radhasoami Shower
His Grace
May Radhasoami Help
Don’t let them fool you!
Don’t let anyone at all,
even their gods or gurus,
ever fool you.
Don’t let even the scriptures
truly distance you from God.
It may perhaps not seem very
but remains truer no whit
that love and goodness capsule
the best of all religions.
Be wary of and shun
anything that distorts the truth,
entails you lying to yourself,
hating rather than loving beings,
and hurting others on howsoever
‘lofty’ pretexts.
For all their tall talk on God,
just continue to:
see straight,
feel honestly,
think rightly,
do good,
persevere steadfastly for redemption.
For this is dark Kaliyuga
and the prophets have predicted
this world will turn
crazier and baser
than the living could endure.
Your conscience is a safer guide
than any guru
that has you run
foul to your best values.
Ah, hearken and be warned,
for these are tumultuous times,
and before you seek a guru
know and befriend your soul first!
Finally, dear God, it seems
this world desperately needs be
from its sundry religions,
and humanity sorely needs be saved
from its fraudulent gurus.
They’ve all but stood truth
on its head
and are now gleefully dancing
around its grave!
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