Now, this is a tricky statement, indeed.
Closing one’s eyes to life
hardly seems like an ideal solution
to its umpteen ills,
or the most sensible mode to consummate it,
or to even truly transcend it.
However, instead of indulging in
mere intellectual satisfaction
to the detriment of truth
{yes, that is very possible!},
let’s try and get
what I’m trying to put across.
God and meditation and redemption
are enabled only through life
yet remain beyond it
and involve its transcendence.
Life is not the ultimate reality,
nor the best existence possible.
Life is a transitory state,
which the enlightened employ for their salvation.
The Buddha’s memorable last words on earth
perhaps cannot be bettered:
“All composite things pass away.
Strive for your own liberation with diligence.”
Life is just life --
dismally, incorrigibly, hopelessly --
even if one discusses God,
or the route to salvation;
the true journey has not begun yet.
The actual treading of the path
in meditation
is internal, solitary, lonely;
with one’s eyes closed
to life in its entirety,
both its best and worst.
God is beyond life.
Meditation is beyond life.
Salvation is beyond life.
Life cannot lead you to the afterlife,
unless you employ it rightly,
by denying it,
and seeking to transcend it rightly
through the prescribed techniques of meditation,
under the tutelage of
a living true master.
Well, well, nothing seems simple or easy.
There are too many usages
of such words as
‘right’, ‘rightly’, ‘prescribed’, and ‘true’
in the preceding paragraph.
And pray, who determines ‘rightness’
and how exactly?
Once you have yearned for God,
you cannot go back to
square one again;
your transcendence is rendered fated.
God is the supermagnet
that loves Her children.
If you really want God,
just trust that you will
be magically guided towards Her.
Remain true to your being
and honest in your quest.
As Goethe observed in Faust,
“For he who is unceasing in his striving
is ours for his redeeming.”